How to push the spring boot application into pcf using Jenkins with manifest.yml file

Configuration the same as the previous post(How to push application into PCF using the Jenkins) but in post-build actions, you need to tick mark on the Read configuration from a manifest file ( you need to add the manifest file in your project root directory.

Here is the  sample manifest.yml file


After click on the save button. Then click on build now. The build process is done step by step to push the application into the cloud foundry.
Then go to the pivotal portal and access the application using the route option.


I’m the Founder of I am a Professional Blogger, Application developer, YouTuber. I’ve been blogging since 2015.I spend a lot of time learning new techniques and actively help other people learn web development through a variety of help groups and writing web development tutorials for my website and blog about advancements in web design and development.Besides programming I love spending time with friends and family and can often be found together going out catching the latest movie or planning a trip to someplace I've never been before.

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