How to install git 8 Comments git installation Edit Introduction Git is a disbursed model-manipulate device for tracking modifications in supply code all through software development. it...
How to access the manager GUI of tomcat service 10 Comments Manger GUI of tomcat Edit Step1: First run the tomcat instance in your system. Step2: Open the web browser and type http://localhost:8080(by default it will run on ...
Useful commands in Git Add Comment Git commands Edit Introduction Git is a Distributed model-manipulate device for tracking modifications in supply code all through software development. it...
How to install tomcat service in windows system 5 Comments Tomcat service installation Edit Introduction Tomcat is a utility server from the Apache software basis that executes Java servlets and renders internet pages that inclu...
How to build and deploy the sample application using Jenkins 21 Comments build and deploy web application in Jenkins Edit Introduction In earlier versions web applications build and deploy are process manual. clean the code then compile it then build into on...
How to set configurations in Jenkins Add Comment Plugins adding in Jenkins Edit Introduction : In this article. I am showing How to add plugins and how to add the paths Apache Ant, Apache Maven, Docker,sonarqube in Je...
How to set email configuration in Jenkins 4 Comments Email Configuration in Jenkins Edit Introduction: If you have mail protocol details like (Gmail SMTP) Setting email configuration is easy. Note: Before setting email confi...
How to change the port in Jenkins Add Comment Changing port in Jenkins Edit After successful installation of Jenkins, If you want to change the port (8080) to another you need to follow the below things 1. If ...
How to Create the java web-application with command prompt using maven Add Comment Web-application with maven Edit To create a simple java project using maven, you need to open the command prompt and run the archetype: generate command of the mvn tool. ...
How to create the java stand alone project with command prompt using maven Add Comment java project with maven Edit To create a simple java project using maven, you need to open the command prompt and run the archetype: generate command of the mvn tool. ...
Most used elements in maven pom.xml file Add Comment maven elements Edit Project : Root element of pom.xml. version : the version of the project. artifactId : Project name groupId : It refers to the package. ...
Maven tutorial for beginners Add Comment Apache maven Edit Introduction to maven 1. Maven is a build automation tool for Java projects (build tool means compiles the code, generate the documen...
How to write the ant script for sample web application step by step 2 Comments ant script Edit Introduction: In this web project, I am sending an email to the user. here I am providing the input box and submit button, just type you...
Most used tags and attributes in ant script Add Comment Ant script attributes Edit <?xml version = "1.0"?> : Define which version we are using currently , it is base tag of every xml file. Root tag i...
How to write the ant scripts Add Comment ant script Edit Introduction: ant means another neat tool. ant files are written in XML. while running the ant it will search for whether the build.xml...