Selenium tutorial for beginners 1 Comment Selenium Edit Introduction Selenium is an open-source web-based automation tool. It is an automation testing suite for web application across differ...
How to compile and run a simple java program in Jenkins Add Comment jenkins Edit 1. Before you run and compile the code you have already installed java on your system, by default Jenkins environment setups like the path ...
How to install Jenkins on windows system 1 Comment jenkins Edit Introduction Jenkins is an open source continuous integration tool written in Java. Jenkins provides continuous integration and contin...
How to install Apache maven on windows system Add Comment Apache maven Edit Introduction 1. Maven is a build automation tool for Java projects. 2. Maven is a project management and comprehension tool. 3. Usin...
How to install Apache ant on windows system Add Comment Ant Edit Introduction 1. Ant means another neat tool. 2. It is a Java-based build tool from Apache Software Foundation. 3. Ant file is writte...
How to clone and push the code from vs code editor to repository( git-lab,git-hub,bit-bucket) Add Comment Bit-Bucket, Git-hub, Git-Lab Edit Environment setup : 1. Install the git from 2. Then install the vs code editor from https://code.visual...
How to change files,commit and push into git repository using Eclipse Add Comment Bit-Bucket, Git-hub, Git-Lab Edit 1. First, go to your project in net-beans then Change the file here I am adding the <h3>quickdevops</h3> 2. Then the commit ...
How to clone git-hub project in Eclipse Add Comment Bit-Bucket, Git-hub, Git-Lab Edit Introduction : Clone the project means to download the project into your system. It is two ways to download first one is through command ...
How to push your project into git-hub repository 2 Comments Bit-Bucket, Git-hub, Git-Lab Edit 1.How to push your project into the git-hub repository 2. After completing the project first initialize the project locally to follow be...